Saturday, June 29, 2013

A new Begainning, Moving house.

It has been far too long since I have kept a diary, it almost feels like a century, but I have been begged by those who know my writing to began one again, a place to keep my observations, thoughts and writing. I must admit I am a bit startled and humbled that so many of you wish to hear my thoughts. It seems so many are unwilling to listen and yet my words have touched some of you.

So I began this blog, to be updated when I can in the coming times in hopes that I can cast a fresh perspective on the mirror that is the internet.

A little about me first:

My name is Belle, I have lived in Vermont for the past 25 years, though I have traveled extensively prior to tonight. I am a ghost writer, though I hope one day have a rebirth as a novel writer and make it big. I am intensely interested in Jung and his theories, Military history and expanding my boundries.

I actually am starting this blog to chronicle the last point on that list . Due to many reasons, including my latest book on Undercover cops and their lives, I am moving to Orlando to live. I am hoping to make my blog an archive on my settling into this new place.

If this is to be my diary though, as public as it is. I suppose I must speak of my feelings? Vermont has long been my home, and the thought of leaving it disturbs me. Yet staying, and missing such an opportunity such as to write this book disturbs me more, forcing my hand in a way. Vermont is too small and to rural to state my thirsty mind and soul with. My soul calls out for recourse and discussion, my mind for stimulation, which Vermont lacks in spades. Time and people move too slowly for me around here.

Yet why Orlando? I suppose I could tell you a hundred reasons why: Good food, a good night life, the attractions, low rent. None would be true of course but people I find rarely like truths anymore. Still I respect you dear readers, and as such will tell you my truths, what I can of them.

No I move there simply because it was the first place that sprung to mind. It seemed as good a place as any, and so I decided to move there.

How unromantic of me I guess. You will excuse me for that but my romance is long gone.

For now the night grows late and I will eventually have to sleep. Good night dear readers. Let us hope this is the start of a good story, and not long nights of tedium.